• internships


  • volzet

    Geen stageplaatsen meer beschikbaar in Bhutan voor 2021-2022

  • internship: project lisbon

    Lisbon Project was founded in 2017 and aims at building a community that integrates and empowers migrants and refugees who came to Lisbon to pursue a new life. Located in the lively, multicultural and centrally located district Alameda, they try to help tackle the struggles and barriers these newcomers face.

    what's happening here?

    • Family Friday: a weekly moment to get to know other people from the project, over games and snacks 
    • Workshop Wednesday: a weekly free dinner with people from the LP and the Riverside Lisbon Communities. Before and after there is a multiple learning experience .
    • Better Together: a ladies only group that meets regularly in order to get to know each other better over an interactive course or a tasty meal  
    • Cultural Evenings: with food, music and cultural presentations 
    • Lisbon & Beyond: regular gatherings to visit local sites in and around Lisbon with other members of the project 
    • CarePods: small group gatherings based on language or cultural similarities to share experience and knowledge about adjusting to living in Portugal with each other 
    • Holiday Club: seasonal holiday breaks for kids and/or teenagers 
    • Language classes (Portuguese and English)
    • Assisting the LP members towards employment 
    • Providing legal aid 

    what could your role be?

    • as the majority of the activities take place in English, you could take up an active role in the accompanying and organization of the Lisbon Project’s activities right from the start
    • develop and organize (part of) an activity by yourself

    where would you live?

    Depending on the available possibilities, a room in a shared flat or a stay in a nearby hostel.

  • lisbon - rizoma coop

    Founded in 2020 by a group of friends, Rizoma Coop is so much more than a community-operated grocery store in Lisbon. Based on social, ecological and collaborative values, Rizoma has been growing horizontally in an organic and democratic fashion, counting more than 400 members. The multi-sector cooperative offers consumer goods in an economically, ecologically, and socially responsible way, creating a community and a support network along the way.

    what's happening here?

    • a community-operated grocery store, open every day

    • regular activities organized by and for the community, like clothing swaps, CineRizoma, RizoKids, social gatherings on Friday evenings for new members to get to know each other etc.

    • workshops organized by and for the community, on themes like food fermentation, non-violent communication, climate change, Indian cooking classes etc.

    • no-waste activities: to proactively avoid food waste, members transform sad-looking vegetables and fruits into tasty meals, juices, cakes and quiches 

    what could your role be?

    • get to know the working of a cooperative from a to z
    • actively participate in the democratic organization and decision-making process of a cooperative
    • help in the organization of the community-operated grocery store
    • work in back-office operations, like looking for new local producers/products, logistical help, finance, communication
    • participate in the several working groups, on themes like governance, finance, culture, community, products, members etc.
    • organize activities or workshops of your choice for the community, in line with the cooperative’s philosophy

    where would you live?

    Depending on the available possibilities, but preferably in a room in a shared flat.

  • broken image

    the volunteering period of 6 months constitutes your internship as part of the advanced bachelor global citizenship and development

  • venn foods

    VENN is located in downtown Porto. It is the result of a burning desire to create a service that is synonymous with change, for the good of people and the planet.

    VENN intends to strengthen the bond between our food and those who produce it, wants to be part of the food revolution and contribute to a happier planet, inhabited by even happier people.

    what's happening here?

    • an online delivery service of plant-based meal kits and groceries
    • visiting gardens, local producers and stores
    • preparing weekly recipes
    • preparation of the meal boxes
    • distribution in the districts of Porto, Braga and Aveiro

    what could your role be?

    • constitution of the meal boxes, culinary advice
    • logistics, distribution and practical organisation
    • communication, branding and social media
    This project is a great match if you're moved by interests for plant-based food, locally and sustainably sourced eating, growing and producing and health and ecology.

    where would you live?

    In an apartment together with other young / Portuguese speaking people.

  • vrijwilligerswerk in Bhutan: tarayana foundation

    wat gebeurt er?

    •  vrouwenrechten bevorderen
    • activiteiten rond milieu, afvalverwerking
    • educatie
    • economische empowerment van achtergestelde groepen

    wat kan jij doen?

    • meewerken binnen de verschillende projecten


    waar woon je?

    In een appartement samen met andere studenten of in een gastgezin.

  • Bhutan in vogelvlucht

    Kenmerken van het gastland

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    Ecologische  diversiteit

    Vegetatie en teelten

    Van tropisch regenwoud, savannes en moerassen tot weelderige kuststroken. Brazilië is bekend voor de productie van koffie, cacao, sinaasappelen, rietsuiker en maïs. Natuurgebied wordt er echter ook bedreigd door de teelt van soja, katoen en vlees.

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    Kleurrijke mengelmoes

    Bevolking & religie

    208 miljoen Brazilianen vormen samen een multiraciale samenleving. Deze mix van inheemse, Afrikaanse en Europese invloeden brengt eigen uitdagingen met zich mee. Brazilië is zeer religieus: je vindt er de candomblé, het katholicisme en het evangelisme.

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    Sociale contrasten


    Een land van ongelijkheden, arm en rijk. 85% van de rijkdom is in handen van 5% van de bevolking. Een werkelijkheid van steriele winkelcentra en beveiligde woonblokken voor de elite naast straatkinderen, sloppenwijken, kinderarbeid en een ontoereikend onderwijs- en gezondheidssysteem.

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    Politieke uitdagingen

    Falend beleid

    Na 3 eeuwen kolonisatie en 20 jaar militaire dictatuur werd Brazilië pas in 1985 een democratie. Het politieke leven wordt nog sterk door corruptie en wanbeheer bepaald. Maar er ontstaan ook sociale bewegingen, rond feminisme, afro-bewustzijn, ecologie en vegetarisme bijvoorbeeld.

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    Het land van de hartelijkheid

    Brazilianen zijn nieuwsgierig, extravert en genereus. 'Wie goed doet, goed ontmoet' is een spreuk die in vele woonkamers prijkt. De bevolking houdt van lachen, feesten en praten. Brazilianen stralen levenslust uit en proberen aan alles een positieve draai te geven.

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    Zinderend cultureel leven

    Brazilië zou Brazilië niet zijn zonder zijn uitzinnige carnaval, voetbal, de capoeira, samba, bossa nova en de prachtige muziek van de tropicalistas. Brazilië heeft interessante sociale films en een eigen literatuur voortgebracht. Je vindt er ook de mooiste barokke architectuur ter wereld.

  • Schrijf je nu in

    Academiejaar 2023-2024


    Ontmoet ons

    We maken een afspraak en bepalen samen met jou welk project best bij je past.


    It's a Match!

    Je krijgt definitief een vrijwilligersproject toegewezen.